Artists Rifles

 Schedule 2024                                click here to open as PDF

Month Date Morning Afternoon
January 25th Thursday 600 Century  
February 1st Thursday 600 Century  
February 23rd Friday 100 Short Siberia  
February 28th Wednesday 200 Short Siberia (self mark)
March 7th Thursday 300 Short Siberia  
March 13th Wednesday 600 Century  
March 21st Thursday 200 Century  
March 27th Wednesday Winans B  
April 4th Thursday 600 Century  
April 10th Wednesday 900  Stickledown  
April 18th Thursday 300 Century  
April 24th Wednesday 300 Century (Guest Shoot)
May 2nd Thursday 600 Century  
May 8th Wednesday Winans A  
May 16th Thursday 900  Stickledown  
May 22nd Wednesday 600 Century  
May 30th Thursday 600 Century
June 5th Wednesday 300 Century (Guest Shoot)  
June 13th Thursday 600 Century  
June 19th Wednesday 600 Century  
June 27th Thursday 900  Stickledown
July 3rd Wednesday Winans B  
July 11th Thursday NO SHOOT * Bisley Busy *
July 17th Wednesday 300 Century
July 25th Thursday 200 Short Siberia  (Guest Shoot)  
July 31st Wednesday 600 Century  
August 8th Thursday 900  Stickledown  
At time of printing these dates have been NRA booked.
Please confirm with Range Office (01483- 797777 ext.152) before travelling.